Law of vibration

This is an explanation of the Law of Vibration as talked about by Norma Manalovich in her book, “The Light Shall Set You Free”. CHAPTER 10

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. The Kybalion

Everything in the universe is in motion, whether solid, liquid, or gas. All things move, vibrate, and travel in circular patterns. Each thing that exists is identified by its own unique vibrational frequency. Frequency is defined as the number of periodic oscillations, vibrations, or waves per unit of time.

No two things in the universe are truly identical, because each has its unique vibrational pattern. The differences between matter and energy are explained primarily by the differences in these vibratory motions. Phenomena such as light, heat, magnetism, electricity, and sound are forms of vibratory motion, just as trees, desks, flowers, and animals are.

When things vibrate very slowly, we hear no noise. Physical objects vibrate slowest, which is why we cannot hear any sounds emanating from them As vibration is increased, we begin to hear lower-pitched sounds. Further increases in vibration allow us to hear higher-pitched notes, as when we strike the ascending keys of the piano. If vibrations increase further, to a higher frequency, we may not be able to hear the sound because it may have moved out of our ability to register the frequency.

So it is with our ability to see color. We are limited in seeing only the colors that are contained within the spectrum of Light—the rainbow. Our first perception of color is of a dark red. As vibrations increase, the red becomes brighter, then turns to orange, and then to yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Violet vibrates higher into ultraviolet where we no longer have the ability to see the color, just as we cannot see infrared with the naked eye.

The same principles of vibration that apply to the physical world also apply to us and to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and will. We each have our own unique sound, say the Ascended Masters, and that perfect sound is who we really are. If we could become still long enough to connect with this sound, we would discover our true, perfect self.

Disruptions in our lives, our life-styles, television, radio, people and noises in general all serve to keep us from hearing that perfect sound within and from becoming it. Many of the vibrational frequencies in the world work to compete with and disrupt our mental and emotional states, keeping us from connecting with the perfection lying dormant inside.

Our thoughts, emotions, and wills send out vibrations into the universe. Every thought or mental state has a corresponding rate and mode of vibration. The higher the vibration, the longer lasting the effects are. The lower the vibration, the more potent the effects are in the short term.

In the higher dimensions, such as the Fifth Dimension, the Law of Vibration is considered to be “what is.” In these dimensions, nothing is assigned meaning, only a frequency. Thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and actions are understood for the level at which they reside. An angry person is analyzed objectively as being angry, with no value assigned to the behavior. An effort is made to try and understand the behavior, and perhaps a plan is prepared to try and raise the vibrational frequency to a higher level, thus transmuting the anger into something less painful.

We live in the Third dimension, the plane of dichotomies, which reflects most things as good/bad, black/white, or yes/no. Because our identity is associated with this mode of operation, most of us have a characteristic style of optimism or pessimism. Optimism resides on a higher frequency and pessimism resides on a lower frequency. Optimists tend to expect more of the world. This is communicated to others and is likely to be realized. Pessimists expect the negative. They anticipate gloom and doom and actually help create it. Our basic style is important because whatever we choose creates a vibration that goes out into the collective consciousness and helps either to raise Earth’s vibrations or to lower them. When we express negativity, we take on an amount of negativity equal to what we have expressed. Similarly, when we express ourselves in positive ways, we take on an equal amount of positive vibrations.

Vibrations not only affect us, but also impact the people around us. Positive or negative vibrations may resonate in others and create similar vibrations. If we send out thoughts of envy, criticism, hatred, or jealousy, then the same thought-forms are aroused and sent back by others.

Each of us has the power to choose. We can align our bodies and our behaviors to create harmony and consistency with the God within us. Just as we care for our bodies by choosing options and behaviors—food, exercise, freedom from addictions—to maintain our balance and remain in a state of health, we also must take care of our minds by choosing good thoughts. Positive thoughts help us move on our journey to spiritual development. Other thoughts inhibit our progress or cause us to regress. When we learn to choose the good, we move toward spiritual goals with measured progress.

Often, the full impact of our behavior on others is not well understood. We can be a positive force working for the betterment of our organization or community, or we can be a negative force and tear down what is being built. Perhaps the most difficult form of negativity to overcome is personal or group cynicism. Many individuals who have experienced multiple disappointments or failures begin to believe that nothing will work. The group mind then creates a vibrational frequency that draws to these individuals everything else that resides on that frequency. In order to solve their problems, the individuals must learn to open their minds and hearts and think from a place connected to a higher consciousness, for the solutions will be found only on the higher planes of existence. Through the Law of Vibration, this mode of behavior always brings the answers we are seeking, for the higher frequencies contain greater knowledge and wisdom.

A few try and rationalize their negativity by saying that they need to be honest. When people are motivated to behave in a negative way, however, the vibrational frequency emitted speaks for itself. We need to strive to be honest and helpful and still be positive.

Our goal is to keep our vibrations as positive and high as possible. This means that we must not let another’s negative attitudes penetrate our feelings or mental state. One of the ways to accomplish this is to learn to keep from becoming over involved in the problems of others. We need to listen carefully, help establish goals for solving the problems, and assist in planning positive outcomes, but we must keep ourselves from taking on the lower vibrations emitted by others.

Understanding the Law of Vibration assists us to get in touch with our feelings every moment of the day. Since each thought, feeling, word, and behavior resides on its own frequency, we need to learn to assess how we feel and to choose behaviors and attitudes that only help us evolve. Evolution is why we are here. The Law of Vibration gives us the basis of knowledge to transcend all that is not in the Divine plan and provides us the way to move to higher planes of existence.

Master El Morya says this about the Law of Vibration.

Namaste, my Sisters and Brothers of the Universe.

I AM El Morya, Master in charge of describing the nature of the universe through the next eleven discourses. I fulfill this assignment with dedication to this mission, for it is through understanding these next eleven laws that human consciousness will move to a state of enlightenment never experienced before on Earth. I come in the Light of Sananda and carry forth this commitment to you.

The Law of Vibration is known by the ancients to be the law of power. Understanding the context and application of this law allows each aspirant to move closer to his or her destiny and carry the torch within to the higher mode of Spirit This knowledge also assists all to understand the conflicts experienced on the dualistic plane of matter and enables the souls to use the principles contained within the law to balance and control individual lives.

In the mind of Oneness, everything is in motion. Energy exists in all forms in the Golden Liquid Light. This pool of energy that permeates all universes is never at rest and serves to carry the smallest particles of energy into various states of action, thus causing effects to be felt constantly.

Inherent within this understanding is the fact that everything vibrates within the universes to various degrees that lie on a continuum. To say it in a way easier to understand: there are degrees of motion experienced within the Earth plane that lie on a continuum that spans from physical manifestations of the most dense matter to the higher existence of Spirit. Matter, energy, thought, and Spirit form the continuum of this range of vibration experienced by all. Yet, regardless of the variations of the vibrations, all is absorbed and contained within the Universal Mind of Oneness.

Everything is connected through the Divine Mind of Oneness. All is seen as the absolute, although each item tends to carry its own identification and appears to be separate. In the nature of higher realities, everything experienced is a part of the Oneness, and the individualistic vibrational pattern (or frequency) of each item determines its position of influence and strength.

The Law of vibration reveals that higher powers, and higher consciousness and understanding, reside on the end of the continuum that comprises the highest vibrations of Spirit. Spirit is associated with such terms as pure Light, the Merkabah, love, and God consciousness. Physical dense matter is defined as that which one experiences with the five senses. Physical dense matter also represents the human body (the vehicle that carries the soul). It is also defined as the lower, heavier, and more subtle vibrations, such as the energies experienced in the heart and mind that cause mental pain and anger.

Since all is energy, it is easy to understand how all objects and actions impact the total human being which is composed of nine subtle bodies. Body (the physical body), mind (the mental body), and Spirit are affected most by the Law of Vibration; yet the influence of the All is present in everything that we are.

In understanding and using the Law of Vibration, the aspirant learns to integrate the higher Light frequencies of Spirit into consciousness and the lower eight bodies, thus affecting transformation. Assimilating the higher frequencies into lower dense matter, through the direction and will of the mind and heart, allows the individual to raise his or her own vibratory patterns. This increased Light reveals itself in the aura around.

The wise, old ancients knew that the greatest power resides in the Light. They understood the Law of Vibration. They understood the ultimate strength of the lightning bolt and how Light energy stands at the point of creation. They also perceived the deeper construct of the etheric field that comprises the God Force and saw how this energy field resides within each individual, although it is unrealized in most.

Simply put, the ancients knew that HIGHER VIBRATIONS CONSUME AND TRANSFORM LOWER VIBRATIONS. Thus, the concept “love conquers all” reveals one of the greatest mysteries of creation. The more Light one assimilates into the body, mind, and Spirit, the faster the acceleration, enabling one to control life and manifest the perfect reality all around.

OUT OF LIGHT, ALL IS CREATED. All individuals who are experiencing an accelerated path to become One with the Higher Self shall instantly grasp the notion that when the Law of Vibration is understood fully, they will be able to apply this law and manifest a Heaven on Earth. When this moment is realized, the prophecy shall be fulfilled.

Since everything is on a continuum, the mission, then, is to move from the plane of dense matter and duality up to the plane of Oneness. This is accomplished by understanding those experiences and forms that have caused discomfort, pain, and sadness and replacing them with higher thoughts and experiences of love, joy, and peace. All that is experienced in life is nothing more than events designed within the Law of Vibration to provide Initiates opportunities to learn of the Law of Vibration and to choose to remain on that level, digress to a lower level, or aspire to a higher one. Once an individual moves to a higher level, that which was experienced on the lower level is never experienced again as a test of learning. The higher vibrational level assimilated within the nine bodies (by the choice the individual has made) serves to consume and transform the lower vibratory frequency. Consequently, since each thought, event, action, and emotion is assigned its own unique vibrational frequency, all that is of a lower nature is slowly “burned off.” This phenomenon serves to continue to purify all of the lower nature within the subtle bodies and rests at the heart of purification.

All Initiates must learn the importance of purification, which only can be realized through the mind and heart connection. Purification also comes from the understanding that emotion is the cosmic glue, and that what is willed with strong emotion will be created. This is so.

Therefore, when one experiences the higher and lower natures at battle, it is important, on the road to mastery, to acknowledge BOTH sides of the duality and walk the middle of the road. In the Oneness, ALL must be addressed and understood—nothing can be omitted. The key to transformation, then, is not to attach any emotion to the lower vibratory patterns, but only to feel the strength of the love and higher energies. Once this is accomplished, the individual will move quickly through the experience, enabling manifestation of the higher kingdom of Light and love to be realized more quickly.

For now, this brief explanation shall suffice. Use it as a tool to carry the torch in the soul to the Higher Self.

I am El Morya. Adonai


Everything in the universe is in motion. Energy is never at rest. It is constantly in action, creating various effects. The differences between matter and energy are explained by the differences in their vibratory motions. Light, heat, magnetism, electricity, and sound are forms of vibratory motion, as are trees, desks, flowers, and animals.

Everything in the universe is in motion, and objects and entities vibrate on a continuum.

Our thoughts, emotions, desires, and wills give off vibrations which affect us and those around us.

Higher power, consciousness, and understanding reside in the higher vibrations. When humans embrace a higher consciousness, their auras increase to a frequency closer to the speed of Light.

We learn to integrate higher frequencies of Spirit into consciousness and the lower eight bodies, thus, transformation occurs.

Higher vibrations consume and change lower vibrations.

What is willed with strong emotion will be created and become reality.

Once an individual moves to a higher level of vibration, that which was experienced on a lower level is never experienced

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