Category Archives: food

Welcome to the delectable world of food! In this category, I share my passion for all things culinary. From restaurant reviews to mouthwatering recipes, join me on a flavorful journey. Discover tantalizing dishes, cooking tips, and the art of savoring every bite. Let’s indulge in the incredible world of food together!

Documenting My Journey with Daily Food Pictures

Using Google Photos to Store and Share Your Progress

There are a few ways you can organize and post pictures of your meals on a daily basis. One option is to create a spreadsheet or document to track the foods you eat and the corresponding pictures. This will allow you to easily reference the pictures when writing your blog post and ensure that you are including all of the foods you have eaten. Another option is to use a tool specifically designed for food tracking, such as MyFitnessPal or MyPlate by Livestrong. These apps allow you to log the foods you eat, including pictures, and also provide tracking and analysis of your nutrition. If you want to post the pictures on your blog, you can use a plugin or integration that allows you to easily upload pictures from your cloud storage services such as Google Photos, Amazon Photos and OneDrive. As for the storage, you can use the cloud storage services you already mentioned. They are free and easy to use, and you can access your pictures from anywhere. Overall, the best way to organize and post pictures of your meals will depend on your personal preferences and the tools you are most comfortable using. The important thing is to find a system that works for you and stick to it, so you can easily document your body transformation journey and share it with others.

Using Google Photos to Store and Share Your Daily Food Intake Pictures

Google Photos is a popular cloud storage service that can be used to store and share your pictures with ease. If you are documenting your daily food intake as part of your body transformation journey, Google Photos can be an excellent choice to store and share your pictures

Take Responsibility for Your Happiness

Have you ever found yourself feeling unfulfilled or unhappy, despite having everything you need? The truth is, happiness is not something that can be achieved through external means alone. It’s something that comes from within. This is where the idea of taking responsibility for your own happiness comes in. The statement ‘The purpose in life is to be happy. You are responsible for your happiness’ is a powerful reminder that we have the power to shape our own happiness and fulfillment. In this post, we’ll explore the power of taking responsibility for your happiness, and provide tips and advice for how you can start taking control of your own well-being.

The purpose in life is to be happy. You are responsible for your happiness. This personal truth hit home for me when I was working at a call center for AT&T business wireless. I was making a good commission, but I didn’t feel fulfilled because I was required to make calls in a way that didn’t align with my strengths and preferences. I found that I was most successful by building relationships with customers through email and providing personalized solutions. But the call center’s management didn’t value my approach, they only cared about the number of calls I was making. I felt like a slave and my happiness was suffering. I realized that I was responsible for my own happiness, and that meant taking control of my career. I decided to leave the call center and start my own business as a wireless consultant, working remotely and having much more freedom and flexibility. It was a risky move, but the reward was greater happiness and fulfillment. It’s a reminder that happiness is something that comes from within and it’s important to take control of our own lives to achieve it

8 Steps to Taking Control of Your Happiness

  1. Set clear and specific goals: Take some time to think about what you want to achieve in your life and career. Write down your goals and create a plan for how you will achieve them.
  2. Discover your passions: Identify the things that make you happy and fulfilled, and find ways to incorporate them into your daily life. Whether it’s a hobby, a cause, or a type of work, when you’re doing something you’re passionate about, you’ll be more likely to feel happy and fulfilled.
  3. Prioritize self-care: Make sure you’re taking care of your physical and emotional well-being. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress in a healthy way.
  4. Cultivate positive relationships: Surround yourself with people who share your values and support your goals. Spend time with loved ones and make new friends, and try to maintain a positive and supportive environment.
  5. Be open to new experiences: Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. You never know what you might enjoy or what you might learn about yourself.
  6. Practice gratitude: Make a habit of regularly reflecting on the things you’re grateful for. This can help you maintain a positive outlook and appreciate what you have.
  7. Learn from setbacks: When things don’t go as planned, don’t give up. Instead, learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities to grow.
  8. Take action: Don’t just read and think about these tips, put them into practice. Remember that taking control of your own happiness is an ongoing process and it takes effort and dedication.

Practice meditation

Meditation has played a significant role in my journey towards taking control of my happiness. For the past four years, I have been practicing meditation using the Transcendental Meditation technique. This practice has helped me to increase my awareness, perception, and understanding of what is truly important and brings me happiness. In addition to my personal practice, I also participate in group meditations online, which has further deepened my understanding and connection to the present moment. Through meditation, I have learned to let go of distractions and focus on what brings me true joy and fulfillment in life.

Eating and exercising

Exercise and healthy eating have been integral parts of my journey towards happiness. I’m a self-proclaimed foodie and I love to indulge in delicious meals, but I also know the importance of keeping a healthy balance. I make sure to incorporate regular exercise into my routine, whether it’s hitting the gym, going for a run, or just taking a walk around the neighborhood. And while I may have a love affair with food, I also know the importance of not falling into the trap of eating junk food all the time.

I’ve come to realize that the key to true happiness is finding a balance between indulging in the things you love and taking care of your body and mind. And let’s be real, there’s nothing more satisfying than enjoying a delicious meal after a hard workout. It’s like a reward for all the hard work.

And the best part is, when I maintain this balance, not only do I feel good physically but also mentally and emotionally. I have more energy, I feel more focused and I can even sleep better. It’s a win-win situation!

So, my fellow foodies, don’t let your love for food hold you back from leading a healthy and happy life. Remember, a little bit of exercise and some self-control goes a long way.”

“In this post, we’ve discussed the power of taking responsibility for your own happiness and provided actionable tips for achieving greater fulfillment and well-being. We’ve talked about the importance of setting goals, discovering your passions, prioritizing self-care, cultivating positive relationships, and learning from setbacks. We’ve also highlighted how meditation and exercise and healthy eating can play a role in achieving happiness.

It’s important to remember that happiness is not something that can be achieved overnight, but rather it’s an ongoing process that requires effort and dedication. However, by taking control of your own happiness and implementing the strategies discussed in this post, you can make significant progress towards leading a happier and more fulfilling life.

So, don’t wait any longer, start taking action today! Set some goals, make a plan, and start taking steps towards the life you want to lead. Remember, the purpose in life is to be happy and you are responsible for your happiness.”

Pictures of food with my Samsung S21 Ultra.

A year ago, I did a post where I posted pictures and videos of food taken with my Samsung S20 Ultra. These new pictures and videos are with my Samsung S21 Ultra. I would like to know if anyone sees a difference in the pictures. All pictures and video are taken on the fly with no special adjustments to the camera or filters added.

We do eat a variety of foods from diverse cultures. My previous post showed my workouts and I do not talk about nutrition. My only advice on nutrition or eating is do not overindulge and do not eat fast food often. I love eating and my wife cooks great plus we eat out frequently. I take a lot of pictures of my food when we go out and post it on Google reviews. My photos on Google has gotten more the 33 million views and all done with my Samsung phone.

I have over thirty-three million photo views on Google reviews.

See what I’ve posted to Google Maps
Level 8 Local Guide

Creating a fitness routine for myself that is best for my age.

How best to train after fifty.

What is the best way to stay in shape after 50? The answer for me is the path of least resistance. The exercises, lifestyle and eating habits that give you the most progress with the least effort. We all need to be careful after 50 to avoid injuries while training our body. I have injured myself many time doing things that I should not have done correctly or just plain stupidity.

Curtis Matthews starting his fitness routine
Curtis Matthews at 204lbs and 54 years old.

The picture above was taken a few months ago when I heard about a new trend that started with guys like Will Smith. He is working on transforming his dad’s body at 50 plus. I cheated in the picture above as I did a few pushups and dumbbell presses to pump myself up. This was the best picture of the set, all the others pictures I took I look old and out of gas, a fat 50-year-old in denial.

I am a stepdad so I thought I could jump on the band wagon and learn something on my journey that I would be able to share. I do not have a gym membership anymore. My wife and I stopped going at the beginning of the Covid19 thing. That would be around February 2020 we canceled our membership at Anytime Fitness.

My exercise regime will mostly consist of walking and some home equipment. I have 25lb dumbbells and acquired a pair of 35lb dumbbells on Offer Up for $30. I also got a pull up bar from Walmart for $25, push up stands $10 and $10 floor mats.

My home workout is a variation of the workout below which is sort of a PHA/ HITT workout. HIIT workouts generally combine short bursts of intense exercise with periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. PHA training or peripheral heart action training

A Extended PHA workout below is done with four round of each group done with rest the going straight to the other group and doing four rounds. That’s 16 sets per group and 64 sets after doing all 4 groups. This is done without rest and a minimum of 10 reps per set.

Group 1Leg press, seated dumbbell press, crunches, pull downs
Group 2Curls, leg lifts, press downs, seated calf presses
Group 3Leg extensions, cable rows, leg curls, peck dec
Group 4Incline dumbbell presses, calf raises, dumbbell shrugs, hyper extensions

I do a form of these exercises above with my dumbbells since I do not have access to most of the equipment above so below is my dumbbell version of the workout.

Group 1 Goblet squats, bent over dumbbell rows, Standing dumbbell presses , Sit-ups
Group 2 Dumbbell Curls, Sit-ups, Dumbbell Presses on the ground, standing calf raises with the Dumbbells in my hands
Group 3 Dumbbell deadlifts, Bent-over dumbbell side rows, Straight leg deadlifts, Dumbbell fly’s on the ground
Group 4 Pushups or lying dumbbell presses, dumbbell shrugs, standing calf raises, sit-ups

I do a minimum of ten reps per exercise and twenty for the light ones like standing calf raises, shoulder shrugs and sit-ups. The whole workout takes me close to an hour to complete all sixty-four sets.

Walking is part of my routine.

My wife and I try to walk at least three times per week. The trail behind where we live is about 2.4 miles round trip. It is great to get the fresh air and to be in nature outdoors.