Category Archives: Philosophy

Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It is a branch of knowledge that seeks to understand the world, human nature, and the meaning of life. Philosophy is an ancient discipline that dates back to the ancient Greeks, and it continues to be a vital field of study in modern times.

The philosophy category covers a wide range of topics, including ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and political philosophy. These sub-disciplines address different aspects of human thought and experience, and they offer diverse perspectives on the human condition.

One of the defining features of philosophy is its emphasis on critical thinking and reasoning. Philosophers aim to explore the world in a logical and systematic way, and they often engage in debates and discussions with each other to refine their understanding of the world.

The study of philosophy provides many benefits, including the development of critical thinking skills, the ability to think deeply and critically about important issues, and the acquisition of a deeper understanding of the world and human nature. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply a curious individual, exploring the world of philosophy can be a rich and rewarding experience.

Lord’s Prayer

(Aramaic translated to English.)

Abwûn O cosmic Birther, from whom the breath of life comes,

d’bwaschmâja who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.

Nethkâdasch schmach May Your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.

Têtê malkuthach. Your Heavenly Domain approaches.

Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d’bwaschmâja af b’arha. Let Your will come true in the universe (all that vibrates) just as on earth (that is material and dense).

Hawvlân lachma d’sûnkanân jaomâna. Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,

Waschboklân chaubên wachtahên aikâna daf chnân schwoken l’chaijabên. detach the fetters of faults that bind us, (karma) like we let go the guilt of others.

Wela tachlân l’nesjuna Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),

ela patzân min bischa. but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.

Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l’ahlâm almîn. From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act, the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.

Amên. Sealed in trust, faith and truth. (I confirm with my entire being) Adonai

The Poem/Song that never ends

O.K. here is a long poem. Grace the Dove lady wrote it in 1998, a time when many poems came to her. I was singing a song that Shari Lewis had Lambchops sing, and it turned into a poem for me. So here goes. Warning. It is very long.

This is the poem that never ends
It just goes on and on my friend
One day I started writing it
Not knowing what it was
And I continued writing it forever just because

I know you want this poem to end
For it to not begin again
And I’m going to end it soon
The message to ensue
Will show you that your acting out
A cycle like this too.

For so many do complain
Talk about their grief and pain
We’ve been talking about it now
Since day one did begin
For when we split the cell in two
We started saying me and you

Mine and Thine became our theme
And mine, not thine, we echoed too
It happened each and every time
When we got into fear
The fear you see became control
Saying things would make them so

So we began then to create
And we created with our fear
Thinking that there was a you and me
Our oneness disappeared
Until our fears piled up so high
We forgot our descent from the sky.

Pretty much we were earthbound
And we keep going round and round
We didn’t realize that with our words we could create
So when we put our brother down
Those words we said, they would rebound.

You know that fear turns into hate
And yes with hate we could create
We had thought that we were only
Trying to survive
And so we thought of many ways
In order to provide

Security became our quest
And so we started to devise
There were oh so many things
Our minds were cooking up
The fun we had,, the terror too
The dramas then that would ensue

We came into a time of fear
Cause we no longer knew our place
Had been to be a God descended from above
We didn’t know our mission here
Was to become the Love

We wanted only to survive
And many times in order to
We would take from others what they were
Holding in their hand
We forgot that our purpose here
Was to serve our fellow man

So we started to complain
About all the grief and pain
And our talking about the things
Our eyes would look upon
Made things not change
Our words you see
Were creating our reality.

So I am writing this long poem
It’s my way to make it plain
To get a lot of us to just start looking at our thoughts
The way you know to get control
Is to lose the fear but then you know,

It won’t happen if we allow
Ourselves to be choked up with fear
And recounting all the things we see as being bad
The telling of it ore and ore
It’s such a pain, it’s such a chore.

To talk about them is just like
This poem that goes forever on
Forever we could talk about
The things we’re calling wrong
Until we finally realized, it’s taking way to long

So I have made a long long poem
To show you of our Father’s plan
Not to call the things we see
For that’s not the way of God
For we can call what is not
Just as though it were.

And you know what we can say
“My words will not return unto me void
But they will go out there
To accomplish all my will
I call it done
I call it good
And I call it in the name of “ME”

For we are Gods you see
No need to call it blasphemy
In his image we were made;
We are creators too
Our words you see
They are the key
To changing our reality

So we must watch that little tongue
For it is set on fire of hell
For the hell we make, we’re living in it now
And we can make another choice
That’s what we’re here to do

We will have heaven on earth
We are here to bring the birth
For we are the Sons of God
The world is waiting for
We’re bringing light and light is truth
And truth is Love
Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love we have
We don’t call things good or bad
We have no rules to make you follow
Nor forms of control
We won’t possess
We won’t dictate
We’ll show you how to
Give up the hate

You know sweet Earth’s evolving too
And though the workers may be few
You see it only takes a few you know
To get it done so all will know
And we can have heaven below

When we learn just how to walk
When we finally walk our talk
We’ve been going round and round you see
But now it’s time for mastery
And it begins with you and me

So let it all begin with you
You know your heart knows what to do
We’ve been playing round and round with this
And there is waiting so much bliss
Only listen to your feelings now

Don’t try to intellectualize
Don’t only look with physical eyes
For the Spirit wants to move in you
Mother Earth is pushing through
She loves the help that comes from you.

And now the world is speeding up
For kindergarten school is through
The bell has rang for all to hear
The message we make clear
We’re proud to say, no more delay
The end is near, the end is near.

Now we are going to graduate
We’re going to lift our banners high
And embrace the joy and all is well
There is no devil, there is no hell
There is only God
And God is Love

And the complaining all will end
And then my poem will dissipate
The fear that’s given us such hell on earth
Recognizes now the light
There’s no more fear, there’s no more night

And the gates are opened wide
There’s no place for fear to hide
And everyone will say
I need not belief
I know I’m love, unconditional love
God has descended from above

We have risen up to meet
Our resurrection is complete
Now as below, so, up above
The world is filled with so much love
Of which there is no end.

Oh yes, there’s more of this to come
But for now the poem is done……

Oh, about time!


I know who I am and I know where I’m going
Because I know that I’m already there

I need not go anywhere
All that God has for me
is already inside of me.
You think there is a past
and you think there is a future

And you are going back and forth between the two.
Here’s a secret, this is what you do.
From now on the present
is the only place to be.

For the future is already here
and the past is no longer relevant

You can only take the leap of faith to decide
that now is the best time to be alive

And make the most of this Holy Instant Now

For when you do, Oh when you do.
You change the past and you change the future
for they can have no control of you.

There is no other way for you to have your way
so live within this day and change your very thought

So it can have the sway over all your by-gone days
and all your future too.

It’s really up to you, this moment that is true
depends on me and you
to cooperate, to dedicate, to contemplate, to concentrate,
to appreciate, to demonstrate, to celebrate, to officiate,

For life is for the living NOW
There is no other time
for I have made you mine.
You can only lose your mind
If you take it out of mine.

You are all a part of me and I know that you will see
ME living in you, as you, and through you.
But not for you and not only you
For I am in everyone of you
See me in everyone you see.

Don’t condemn any part of me
I am able to give you Light
When you realize to your delight
That I am the light that shines from within
each person no matter how dim.

No matter how you think of him.
For good and bad is only your way
of making your words construct things your way
Good and bad are only your rules
of what you want and what you’ll see

The truth is that I am a God of ONE
My law is Love and only Love.
You can not break it into its opposite
For nothing else can oppose it.

You are only fooling yourself to think
that you can make anything but love.
No one using hate has made anything that last

The truth about what you have made out of fear
is just that it is an illusion.
I know this sounds queer, but illusions are happening all around you.

To help you remember and to know what you can do.
You have the power within yourself
to make your world behave itself.

I have given you the dominion but you gave it away
and now you can decide to take it back.

When you can remember the one that you are is God
Then you will discover that you are one with it all.
The sunset, the trees, the sea and the breeze

the plant in the ground, the worm in the dirt
but also the star that shines above.
Your everywhere present, your everywhere love.

Oh when you remember
you re-member me.
You bring me together with love, can’t you see.

You get out your own special ways of expressing
All of the love my heart is out-pressing.

You find love in everyone only when you
know that your looking for me in them too.

For your narrow minded ways of thinking you are separate
have made for you senseless things that won’t last.
They are temporary, they all pass away.
Your doctrines, your rituals, your do-it-my-way.
Your smug little feeling of superiority
Is something you use to deny my authority.

We don’t get to heaven by refusing to see
the simple fact that everyone is me.

My love is a transforming power you see
and hate has not power to do things my way.
For hate draws the user into its own self
and nothing is possible to build that will last.

It builds nothing, it destroys nothing, it is nothing.
For you see hate is only a thought you have thought
And it is a thought you have thought because of fear

Because you won’t remember that I’m here, in you, in all.
Hate is only a thought you have thought.
I’ve given it no power but you have.

It is not real unless you make it real.
It is something that you made when you got into fear.
Your fear is your own illusion, not mine.
I won’t have any part of it, nor of anger or pain.

I’ll have no part of believing this way.
For love is my nature,
Love is all that I know.

I don’t know judgment for why would I judge
you when I see you as me?

I don’t know punishment for why should I hurt myself?

I don’t know doubt for I am certainty.

I am that I am
And you are that you are
But what are you going to make of yourself?
What is it that you are?
You can only be what you think and say.
And what you think and say are how you create.
For you are the potter
And you are the clay.

You are the thinker and
You are the thought.

The beach is peaceful

Experiencing Gratitude

Every morning, I take time to be grateful for everything I see. I express my gratitude to the universal spirit that guides my experiences. Experiencing gratitude is a key aspect of my daily routine. The concept of gratitude is not something that can be forced or achieved through effort. Instead, it is a natural feeling that arises from being still and allowing the world to find balance within oneself. However, in modern culture, young people are often taught to focus on work and ambition, causing them to lose touch with the present moment. As a result, they become less mindful and more controlled by societal expectations.

The goal of society is not for individuals to be mindful, but to be persuaded by cultural norms and beliefs. To become a citizen of eternity, one must go against the norm and be radical in their thinking, breaking away from the mind control of society. This means leaving behind societal expectations and focusing on the ideal, which will bring one into the present moment. The present moment is fleeting and cannot be held onto, but it is necessary for spiritual growth and becoming a citizen of eternity.

Gratitude is not something that can be forced, but rather it is a natural feeling that comes from the soul. Our culture teaches us that our worth is in what we do, so we focus on our careers and ambitions, and we are grateful to those who help us achieve them. However, this often leads us away from being mindful and aware of the world around us. Society prefers for us to be mind-persuaded, rather than mindful, which is why it is necessary to become “other than the mind control of the culture” to become a citizen of eternity. To do this, we must abandon society within ourselves and follow the ideal, which will take us out of time and give us the present moment.”

Practicing and experiencing gratitude

  • Keeping a gratitude journal
  • Practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment
  • Writing thank you notes or letters
  • Volunteering and helping others
  • Expressing gratitude to others directly
  • Practicing gratitude meditation
  • Focusing on the positive things in your life
  • Engaging in acts of kindness
  • Taking time to appreciate the trivial things
  • Reflecting on past experiences and things you are grateful for.

What are some ways you experience gratitude? Feel free to contact me on any of my social sites or leave me a comment below.