Category Archives: Spirituality

Welcome to the spirituality category of, a platform dedicated to exploring the mind, spirit, and body. Here, we delve into the many aspects of spirituality, including mindfulness, meditation, and personal growth. Our aim is to provide valuable insights and resources to help individuals on their own journey of self-discovery and understanding.

Through this category, you will find articles and posts that focus on topics such as mindfulness practices, spiritual rituals, and the importance of connecting with the divine. We also explore the relationship between spirituality and mental health, as well as the ways in which spirituality can enhance our physical and emotional well-being.

Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, this category is designed to offer a wealth of information and inspiration. We believe that growth and understanding come from sharing our experiences with others, and that is why we encourage you to share your own thoughts and experiences in the comments section of each post.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and explore the many facets of spirituality. Thank you for visiting and we look forward to sharing this journey with you.

The Dove Story for Children

We start out with an empty sheet. What we make out of it is a flying dove and with the Dove we will soar to heights not reached before.

This is your chance to make of yourself a lot of character, to live a life and to see, hear, taste, smell and touch a thing called Physicality.

Life is a lot like the pyramid. It begins at the top and works its way down to encompass the whole. You don’t know what is to be the final outcome of your searching. You move onwards and you overcome all the obstacles in your way as you increase yourself, replacing your old for the new, coming and going on your journey into the expansion of yourself.

You use all the skills you possess in order to make new worlds in order to enlarge your boundaries. You are Macrocosm in your expanded state. You deem the world as though it were all you. Before you lay a wilderness of excitement that you want to decrease your Allness in order to appreciate. You decide to become less than your wholeness, so you fold in upon yourself making the Microcosm.

The folded self is your own self only in its consciousness it does not see itself as the Macrocosm it once knew itself to be. While the Macrocosm know it’s Microcosm self, the Microcosm goes into forgetfulness of ALL THAT IT IS. The Microcosm wants to experience what it is not in order to know itself in an experience known as the Physical, the Mental, and the Spiritual, as a Trinity, a three in one, a balance, a proper application of all its components.

……so that the pyramid can believe in itself in the Microcosm Stage, for smaller and less experienced can achieve the ultimate of which it came from. And as the Altered Ego set in to fold the folded “I AM ego, we were all in the same image as what we came from, still the same creators.

still the same creators…….still creating still calling forth on another level, calling forth smaller thoughts. Yet knowing that we were a lot more than we were consciously aware of being, we started carrying ourselves around with our words, creating a form UNLIKE the pyramid we came forth from.

We began to flatten ourselves out as though we could not fly. We caused ourselves to split into opposites in our effort to maintain a balance, for our words were creating for us many things which would get us into a state of dependency. We needed more drama in which to create and so we opened ourselves up to the many voices we heard coming into our minds from the astral planes.

We began to define and to educate ourselves in such a way that we now had boundaries. Everything must square with everything else for the truth we thought was something that could be explained, defined, regulated, and required.

Yes, we were very good at letting our forms take control. We squared away all of our parameters and flattened ourselves out as we bowed down to systems, and theories, and doctrines and creeds. We believed in our view of things and another’s view became something we labeled sinful, blasphemous, without of ourselves, and sometimes we would even burn, loot, and kill in order to keep our form going.

Before we were like a butterfly winging our way going with the flow. We further boxed ourselves in making a lot of boxes of first one and then another theory. We were looking for our wholeness but in doing this we extracted formulas and rituals and sacrifices and all manner of devices we put into place ……which further boxed us in. When we realized that we were not free, that we were meeting our neighbor and trying to box them into a pattern as we ourselves were in, we became aware of the many boxes piling up everywhere. Talking became our favorite past-time and we defended our box against anothers boxed opinion, but we WERE ALL caught up in a box.

We could give you rules and regulations. We could give you rituals and formulas. The form became so binding that many of us began to BALK. Many of us told others that we could not be boxed in any longer. We wanted to go against the rules and theories that taught us that the rules must be followed, that the do’s and don’ts were the truth that would set us FREE and yet we were not free.

So many of us started folding in. We started to change the shape we were in, to streamline ourselves so to speak for it would not allow us freedom to stay in our boxes. We thought about the part of us known as Spirit. We allowed our Spirit to soar as we folded our sides into the very heart. We started to feel lighter and we imagined that we could actually fly.

We wanted to soar but we needed to bring about a change in our thinking mental self and a change in our physical. We defined yet again a new kind of knowing, a new kind of physical exercize that would align our spirit to that of our mand and body. WE talked of how we would soar and would create a wonderful world by our ambition to take a further step.

In reaching for the truth we pulled out all the restraints and became aware of our need to go on seeking our truth as we reformed and refashioned ourselves by still yet another set of rules and regulations, formulas and rituals and dogma. We were sailing in our lofty place so sure that we had risen above the others still on the ground, But in our ascension we felt the tug of the string holding us to the earth, pulling us down so often. For they were our brothers. They were part of ourselves and how could we rise without them.

And yet they were the mountain in our way of ascension. We had tried to push the mountain down, but it would not stay down. Then we began to open up our heart centers, to look at the square again and see if we could not love as we wanted to be loved, to accept as we wanted to be accepted.

By our taking our brothers into our hearts we began to shine so brightly. We were like a diamond catching the light and reflecting the light from our many facets. We could see that we had other shapes and other structures, some shaped a little different and yet all a part of the whole diamond. Each facet worked at reflecting the light in conjunction to a fellow facetor. Each was important. Each was vital for when we could see our wholeness from beyond our limited view, we saw the Complete Diamond.

We became like unto a boat and we took on all those who wanted our love and acceptance and our opening up to love became that which changed us yet again for we were no longer like a kite fastened to the ground.

We imagined that we were complete now, that we could ascend to greater heights but we found that we were not lifting off as yet. What was holding us down? What was there that we had not done. We had taken our brothers into our hearts. We had given up the dogmas, the rituals, the theories.

We were shining brightly reflecting the light of the sun. We were about to dance for joy and yet we felt a heaviness in our body. Our legs were weighted down. We didn’t know that we still had dross. Dross was in our Diamond and we knew that we wanted to clear this dross. So drastic measures must be taken.

We needed help for we had so much to learn and so much to unlearn. So we stood upon our feet and we invited our brothers we had not known of from places far removed by time and space. We sought our space brothers to help us to ascend.

We needed help for we had so much to learn and so much to unlearn. So we stood upon our feet and we invited other brothers we had not known of from places far removed by time and space. We sought our space brothers to help us to ascend. And so began a restructuring of our basic form. New folds were called for which did trim our legs that had been so heavy.

We discovered that we were lighter, and we were dancing. We were letting go og our fear and finding out a secret about ourselves.

For as we stepped back and looked at ourselves we discovered that we were not just reflecting the light from outside ourselves. We were discovering that we were ourselves the light, that it came from within our own selves. The more we let go of dross the more and more light that came from us extending, reaching out like a search light, a beacon of light to warn all sailors of where the rocks were that were to be avoided.

We were just like a torch and we allowed our light to so shine that others could see. We had other brothers who looked at us now, shining so brightly and knowing ourselves to be the very image and likeness of our Creator. For we had seen our Wholeness, our Oneness. Our lack of fear had left us shining with Love for Love, Unconditional Love was what we were. And so we folded in once more both forward and backwards.

And we looked like angels to those who looked upon us. We wanted to point the way so that all others would learn about unconditional love. So we folded yet again and brought our four points all together. Now we had become the crown. We were kings, rulers, and we had won our crowns. We thought about this. So many wanted to have a King once so long ago.

We had been told, “You need no King”. But we were appointed a king anyway and there began to be many kingdoms, many rulers, wars, and taxes, and loss of freedom. We thought of how we had one more thing to do. For wearing a crown did not make us any more special than anyone else.

Our crowns were heavy on our heads. It was not necessary to rule we said. Once we had wished to rule one another, even the stars, the moon and the sun. So we gathered all of the crowns together and stripped them of their jewels and yet again we folded ourselves just like a book and we took a look at what we now had done.

For we were one and we were spouting from our middle and it was a head and a tail that wanted to emerge. So we just sort of stretched ourselves and we discovered that we had found the Dove. The Dove of Love had descended and had ascended too. We were Love. We were Home.

We could fly, we could soar and no more was there any strings attached, no more heavy dross, and before us stretched the endless sky. We’re soaring still. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of us. And we know that we are ONE. We know our directions when we fly home, we all go at the same time.

You know the story never ends. It just goes on and on my friend. One day I started writing it knowing what it was and I continue writing it Forever Just Because I AM.

There is no more fear, no more reason for nations and families to war with one another.

Welcome aboard

The Spaceship Earth

Is moving through and into view

Is it’s new crew

For earth is one in love right now. Earth is touching the outer sphere of which the darkness disappears and Oneness is known to all the galaxies. For Earth has come to light the way, to take us forward and onward as a lead planet going beyond the Central Sun, going beyond the spiritual to the etheric, to the ethers where Love is waiting to claim the Bride.

And all of the space brothers gather round to watch the Bride as she enters the church after staying out of sight for so long now while preparations and fancy trimmings and hosts and hostess prepare for the wedding of the bride and groom. The groom awaits his lovely bride with anticipation for she is to claim the heart of which he has awaited his princess in shining ornaments to come and take, not by violence and not by words, but by the feeling of great anguish and anger being born and raised out of its conquering past when only anger and anguish would rule.

The heavens rejoice.

The wedding banquet tables are prepared for a feast. A feast of fat things will refined for anger and anguish are purified.

You are ready now to take another evolution of which you long for. It is an evolution of which many others are taking together with you for your feelings are all that have mattered. Your feelings are all that you ever need to know what is the path.

The God that you are just has to grow and ear must not hold you back for fear is only False Evidence Appearing Real. You need not fear now for you are a God. And you do share Powah with, not power over. The God and Goddess are ONE.



Thoughts are things
Oh, don’t we know
We can have the words we sow
It seems that man does always say
And the things he says
He can have become that way
All this talk about our fear
Is doing just what Job did
He said “the thing I greatly feared
Has come upon me”
What say I to such a thing?
“Don’t Greatly Fear”

It’s such a pain
For when we all fuss and complain
Those words we say, We’ll have the same
For words are thoughts and thoughts are things
And we can have the words we say
Saying them brings them our way
And then we’re going to fuss some more
Our words you see, can do us harm
It’s raining now, just pouring down

(the El Nino weather talked about ahead of it’s arrival when it happened in California in 1998 )

And in my memory I hear the sound
Of voices a few months ago
Who talked of this and made it so
We Greatly Feared
We said the words and thought the thoughts
And they collected in the sky
Why does God let things happen this way?
Why can’t God just call a halt

And stop this rain, it’s all his fault
For nothing happens that’s not his will
Why does God wish us ill?
The houses are falling from the hills
The streets are turning into rivers

It seems to me
It’s WE who are the givers
Of this gift to our own selves
For we’re the gods who called for this
Our words you see
We talked a lot
BUT we Could Learn How to Talk
For when we say,
When we predict,
When we expect
When we lament
We’re calling things like our we see them
And calling things like we expect them
But that’s not the talk of a God
Such as God our Creator is
For God called things that were NOT
AS though they WERE
Did not God say
“Let there Be”
And there WAS

“Know ye not that ye are gods”
We are creators too
“Everyone talks about the weather
But no one does anything about it”
This saying you know is half way true
For talk we do
And if we could learn how to talk
Then we Could do something about the weather too

I wish people of this earth
Would know that we can have
The things we fear
Fear is a thought
And thoughts are things
And things have a way of getting together
Enough of them and we have matter

Oh? What is the matter?
Don’t ask me
I don’t want to call it.
I just want to observe it.
I know better, I’m learning fast
Not to call things good or bad
I just observe
I’m quite detached
I have no expectations
For we can have the things we expect
For expectations are a thought
And thoughts are things
And things create the reality we see
And I know this of myself

That I don’t know
What anything is for
I don’t always see the purpose
For everything that happens.
So I’ll just observe
And yes I’ll talk
I’ll talk of things that are lovely
And things that are of a good report
If there be any virtue
If there be any praise, I’ll talk of these things
And I’ll call things that are NOT
As though they were

For thoughts are things
And things create our reality
We are the thinker thinking
Let’s think about what we’re thinking about
Let’s observe our own words
Did not we learn about the tongue
It’s just a little member of the body
Yet if we could control it
We could have anything we wished.

I say that we are going to
Listen to our mind chatter
And bite our tongues if we have to
To keep them from

Calling it like we see it
Calling it like we expect it
Calling it like we fear it
If we don’t have anything good to say
We just won’t say
That’s the way we’ll save the day
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”
I believe in my heart
That I am pure and holy

That I can look with eyes of love
I’ll just bless everything and call it Holy
For all is God
I’ll bless the process

For our mistakes are our opportunities
To see ourselves, to learn HOW to call things
To call them blessed and to rejoice always
Rejoice in all things
For rejoicing is a thought
And thoughts are things and things create
Heaven or Hell

God’s Song In Me: A Poem of Self-Discovery

God’s Song In Me: A Poem of Self-Discovery

In 1998, The Dove lady experienced a period of prolific poetry, often composing lengthy and meaningful verses. Today, She share one titled “God’s Song In Me,” a message of self-discovery and the ever-present power of love.

The Poem

The poem opens with the empowering declaration of knowing who you are and where you’re going, for you are already there. It emphasizes the concept of the present moment being all that exists, with the past and future mere illusions.

It urges you to take a leap of faith, embracing the “Holy Instant Now” and its potential to transform the past, present, and future. This transformation hinges on your own choices and your ability to control your thoughts.

Living in the Present and Embracing Love

The poem emphasizes living in the present and cherishing the gift of life. It reminds you that you are part of a larger whole, connected to everything and everyone around you.

Love is presented as the fundamental law, the only true reality. Hate, fear, and judgment are deemed illusions, creations of the mind that hold no power against the all-encompassing force of love.

Remembering and Reuniting

The final lines encourage you to “remember” your true nature, which is one with God and all of creation. This act of remembering reconnects you with the divine spark within yourself and fosters love and understanding for all beings.

Personal Reflection

“God’s Song In Me” presents a powerful message of self-discovery and the transformative power of love. It serves as a reminder to embrace the present moment, release negativity, and reconnect with the divine essence that resides within each of us.


It’s important to remember that the interpretation of this poem may vary depending on individual beliefs and perspectives. This blog post provides one potential interpretation, and I encourage you to explore the poem further and draw your own conclusions.

God’s Song In Me.

I know who I am and I know where I’m going Because I know that I’m already there. I need not go anywhere All that God has for me is already inside of me.

You think there is a past And you think there is a future And you are going back and forth between the two. Here’s a secret, this is what you do.

From now on the present Is the only place to be. For the future is already here And the past is no longer relevant.

You can only take the leap of faith to decide that now Is the best time to be alive And make the most of this Holy Instant Now For when you do, Oh when you do You change the past and you change the future For they can have no control of you.

There is no other way for you to have your way So live within this day and change your very thought So it can have the sway over all your by-gone days And all your future too.

It’s really up to you, this moment that is true Depends on me and you To cooperate, to dedicate, to contemplate, to concentrate, To appreciate, to demonstrate, to celebrate, to officiate.

For life is for the living NOW There is no other time For I have made you mine.

You can only lose your mind If you take it out of mine.

You are all a part of me and I know that you will see ME living in you, as you, and through you. But not for you and not only you For I am in everyone of you.

See me in everyone you see. Don’t condemn any part of me. I am able to give you Light When you realize to your delight That I am the Light that shines from within Each person no matter how dim, No matter how you think of him.

For good and bad is only your way Of making your words construct things your way. Good and bad are only your rules of What you want and what you’ll see.

The truth is that I am a God of ONE. My Law is love and only love. You can not break it into it’s opposite For nothing else can oppose it.

You are only fooling yourself to think that You can make anything but love. No one using hate has made anything that last. The truth about what you have made out of fear is Just that it is an illusion.

I know, this sounds queer But illusions are happening all around you To help you remember And to know what you can do.

You have the power within yourself To make your world behave itself. I have given you the dominion. But you gave it away and Now you can decide to take it back.

When you can remember The one that you are is God, Then you will discover that You are one with it all, The sunset, the trees, the sea and the breeze The plant and the ground, the worm in the dirt But also the star that shines above.

You’re everywhere present. Your everywhere love.

Oh when you remember, you’re re-membering me. You bring me together with love, can’t you see? You get out your own special ways of expressing All of the love that my heart is out-pressing.

You find love in everyone only when you Know that you’re looking for me in them too.

For your narrow minded ways of thinking you are separate Have made for you senseless things that won’t last. They are temporary, they all pass away. Your doctrines, your rituals, your do-it-my-way. Your smug little feeling of superiority Is something you use to deny my authority.

We don’t get to heaven by refusing to see The simple fact that everyone is me. My love is a transforming power you see And hate has not power to do things my way.

For hate draws the user into its own self, And nothing is possible to build that will last. It builds nothing. It destroys nothing. It is nothing. For you see, hate is only a thought you have thought.

And it is a thought you have thought because of fear. Because you won’t remember that I’m here in you, in all. Hate is only a thought you have thought. I’ve given it no power, but you have.

It is not real unless you make it real. It is something that you made when you got into fear. Your fear is your own illusion, not mine. I won’t have any part of it, Nor of anger or pain. I’ll have no part of believing this way.

For love is my nature. Love is all that I know. I don’t know judgment, for why would I judge you When I see you as me? I don’t know punishment, for why should I hurt myself? I don’t know doubt for I am certainty.

I am that I am and you are that you are. But what are you going to make of yourself? What is it that you are? You can only be what you think and say. And what you think and say are how you create.

For you are the potter and you are the clay. You are the thinker and you are the thought.

Finding Peace in the Noise

A Guide to Living Well in a Busy World

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant hustle and bustle of life? Do you long for moments of quiet amidst the chaos? If so, you’re not alone. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget the importance of finding inner peace and living with intention.

But what if there was a guide, a set of principles, to help you navigate the noise and find harmony within yourself? That’s exactly what this timeless piece of writing, often attributed to Max Ehrmann, offers. Let’s delve into some of its key messages and see how they can be applied to our daily lives:

The Power of Calmness:

  • “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.” This opening line sets the tone for the entire piece. It reminds us that even when surrounded by external chaos, we can find solace within ourselves. By practicing mindfulness and taking time for stillness, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace that will carry us through any storm.

Building Meaningful Relationships:

  • “As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.” This passage emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding in our interactions with others. It encourages us to listen with an open heart, even to those who may seem different from us. By fostering genuine connections, we enrich our lives and create a more harmonious world.

Finding Your Path:

  • “If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.” This advice reminds us that true fulfillment comes from embracing our unique journey. Comparing ourselves to others only leads to dissatisfaction. Instead, we should focus on celebrating our own accomplishments and living with purpose in the present moment.

Living with Gratitude and Integrity:

  • “Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.” This passage emphasizes the importance of finding meaning and purpose in our work, while remaining ethical and responsible. It encourages us to cultivate a sense of integrity in all aspects of our lives.

Love and Compassion:

  • “Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.” This powerful statement reminds us to stay true to ourselves and embrace love in all its forms. It encourages us to reject cynicism and believe in the enduring power of love, even in the midst of challenges.

Finding Strength and Acceptance:

  • “Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.” As we age, it’s important to adapt and embrace the changes life brings. This passage encourages us to develop inner strength and resilience, while learning to let go of anxieties and fears.

Embracing the Universe:

  • “You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” This profound message reminds us of our place in the grand scheme of things. It encourages us to trust the flow of life and accept our existence with a sense of wonder and belonging.

Finding Joy and Peace:

  • “With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” Despite the challenges we face, life is a precious gift. This passage reminds us to find joy in the simple things and to cultivate an attitude of optimism and gratitude.

Beyond Words, Action:

This timeless piece is not just about words, but about action. It’s a call to live our lives with intention, purpose, and compassion. By applying its principles in our daily choices, we can cultivate inner peace, build meaningful relationships, and contribute to a more beautiful world.

So, take a deep breath, find a quiet corner, and let these words wash over you. Remember, the path to a more fulfilling life starts within. Choose love over hate, peace over chaos, and joy over despair. Take the first step today and embark on your own journey of finding peace in the noise.


