Category Archives: Tampa

My new hobby is a 1998 Harley Davidson sportster 1200
This is the Harley Davidson Sportster that was purchased last week. I never rode a motorcycle so I had my friend take it to his house and his Harley is behind mine. He got his bike about 7 weeks ago and it is his first bike also.
I took my endorsement class at University Mall.
Me on the motorcycle the night we picked it up before putting it in garage.
This is the classroom for the motorcycle school.
This Kirkland Motorcycle shop where I took the endorsement class.
These are my classmates and the motorcycles we tested on at Pasco motorcycle school.
This I s the Tax Collector office in Tampa on Martin Luther and I am getting my endorsement put on my Driver’s license and registering the motorcycle.
Beach day today September 3rd 2017