Tag Archives: gratitude

The beach is peaceful

Experiencing Gratitude

Every morning, I take time to be grateful for everything I see. I express my gratitude to the universal spirit that guides my experiences. Experiencing gratitude is a key aspect of my daily routine. The concept of gratitude is not something that can be forced or achieved through effort. Instead, it is a natural feeling that arises from being still and allowing the world to find balance within oneself. However, in modern culture, young people are often taught to focus on work and ambition, causing them to lose touch with the present moment. As a result, they become less mindful and more controlled by societal expectations.

The goal of society is not for individuals to be mindful, but to be persuaded by cultural norms and beliefs. To become a citizen of eternity, one must go against the norm and be radical in their thinking, breaking away from the mind control of society. This means leaving behind societal expectations and focusing on the ideal, which will bring one into the present moment. The present moment is fleeting and cannot be held onto, but it is necessary for spiritual growth and becoming a citizen of eternity.

Gratitude is not something that can be forced, but rather it is a natural feeling that comes from the soul. Our culture teaches us that our worth is in what we do, so we focus on our careers and ambitions, and we are grateful to those who help us achieve them. However, this often leads us away from being mindful and aware of the world around us. Society prefers for us to be mind-persuaded, rather than mindful, which is why it is necessary to become “other than the mind control of the culture” to become a citizen of eternity. To do this, we must abandon society within ourselves and follow the ideal, which will take us out of time and give us the present moment.”

Practicing and experiencing gratitude

  • Keeping a gratitude journal
  • Practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment
  • Writing thank you notes or letters
  • Volunteering and helping others
  • Expressing gratitude to others directly
  • Practicing gratitude meditation
  • Focusing on the positive things in your life
  • Engaging in acts of kindness
  • Taking time to appreciate the trivial things
  • Reflecting on past experiences and things you are grateful for.

What are some ways you experience gratitude? Feel free to contact me on any of my social sites or leave me a comment below.