Tag Archives: tampa

Christmas in Westchase Tampa Florida

Entertainment while waiting for Santa.

In Westchase we have a tradition every year in which Santa visits all the communities and lights up the Christmas tree. We live in the community WestPark Village which is the last stop for Santa and where the Christmas tree is located to be lit. There is always a group of families waiting and entertainment is provided. Below you can see a school dance class performing for the crowd.

The group is getting ready to preform

Watch their performance here!

We were all waiting for Santa to arrive.
We even had snow in Tampa
Santa is coming around the corner

Watch Santas entrance here!

Santa is by the Christmas tree and ready to light it.

Watch Santa light the tree here!

My Verizon Wireless Data speeds in downtown Tampa Florida

Lykes Gaslight Park in Tampa Florida where Verizon Wireless has 5G Ultra Band. My equipment is the Samsung S21 Ultra 5G
My speed test in the park and inside Urban Cantina.

I had hope for faster data speeds on my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra. This is one of the top-of-the-line 5G smartphones and should get the ultra-band signal from Verizon. The speed was the same I get all over Tampa not any faster.