Thoughts are things
Oh, don’t we know
We can have the words we sow
It seems that man does always say
And the things he says
He can have become that way
All this talk about our fear
Is doing just what Job did
He said “the thing I greatly feared
Has come upon me”
What say I to such a thing?
“Don’t Greatly Fear”
It’s such a pain
For when we all fuss and complain
Those words we say, We’ll have the same
For words are thoughts and thoughts are things
And we can have the words we say
Saying them brings them our way
And then we’re going to fuss some more
Our words you see, can do us harm
It’s raining now, just pouring down
(the El Nino weather talked about ahead of it’s arrival when it happened in California in 1998 )
And in my memory I hear the sound
Of voices a few months ago
Who talked of this and made it so
We Greatly Feared
We said the words and thought the thoughts
And they collected in the sky
Why does God let things happen this way?
Why can’t God just call a halt
And stop this rain, it’s all his fault
For nothing happens that’s not his will
Why does God wish us ill?
The houses are falling from the hills
The streets are turning into rivers
It seems to me
It’s WE who are the givers
Of this gift to our own selves
For we’re the gods who called for this
Our words you see
We talked a lot
BUT we Could Learn How to Talk
For when we say,
When we predict,
When we expect
When we lament
We’re calling things like our we see them
And calling things like we expect them
But that’s not the talk of a God
Such as God our Creator is
For God called things that were NOT
AS though they WERE
Did not God say
“Let there Be”
And there WAS
“Know ye not that ye are gods”
We are creators too
“Everyone talks about the weather
But no one does anything about it”
This saying you know is half way true
For talk we do
And if we could learn how to talk
Then we Could do something about the weather too
I wish people of this earth
Would know that we can have
The things we fear
Fear is a thought
And thoughts are things
And things have a way of getting together
Enough of them and we have matter
Oh? What is the matter?
Don’t ask me
I don’t want to call it.
I just want to observe it.
I know better, I’m learning fast
Not to call things good or bad
I just observe
I’m quite detached
I have no expectations
For we can have the things we expect
For expectations are a thought
And thoughts are things
And things create the reality we see
And I know this of myself
That I don’t know
What anything is for
I don’t always see the purpose
For everything that happens.
So I’ll just observe
And yes I’ll talk
I’ll talk of things that are lovely
And things that are of a good report
If there be any virtue
If there be any praise, I’ll talk of these things
And I’ll call things that are NOT
As though they were
For thoughts are things
And things create our reality
We are the thinker thinking
Let’s think about what we’re thinking about
Let’s observe our own words
Did not we learn about the tongue
It’s just a little member of the body
Yet if we could control it
We could have anything we wished.
I say that we are going to
Listen to our mind chatter
And bite our tongues if we have to
To keep them from
Calling it like we see it
Calling it like we expect it
Calling it like we fear it
If we don’t have anything good to say
We just won’t say
That’s the way we’ll save the day
“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”
I believe in my heart
That I am pure and holy
That I can look with eyes of love
I’ll just bless everything and call it Holy
For all is God
I’ll bless the process
For our mistakes are our opportunities
To see ourselves, to learn HOW to call things
To call them blessed and to rejoice always
Rejoice in all things
For rejoicing is a thought
And thoughts are things and things create
Heaven or Hell