Tag Archives: over 50

My Workout Update 2/9/2022

Working out my first 2 weeks

It’s been 2 weeks since I got serious about my working out. I did my at home workout at least 12 times so far. I started on January 26th, 2022 and took a video of my first workout. Please excuse the amateur video, background sound and interruptions. I will get better at these videos. These videos are for my tracking and to see my progress. I will be mixing up different exercises and using a pill up bar with dumbbells for my workout.

First video of my workout done on 2/26/2022

Second video of my workout done on 2/28/2022

Walking a few times, a week for fat loss

Walking is my go-to exercise to burn additional calories. I walk with my wife at the back of where I live. The walk is a little over 2 1/2 miles and on the way back we stop by the lake and do at least 100 air squats.

Air squats by the lake during our walk.

Workout progress

It has been 14 days since I started this training and I dropped from 196lbs to 185lbs. I lost both some body fat and muscle. I realize lifting heavier weights increases muscle, but I am working out at home and my 35lb dumbbells are all I have. The pull up bar does help, and I did incorporate the bar, but I have not taken a video of those workouts yet.

My progress so far 2/9/2022